Daily nectar of word meaning Day 23

நாள்தோறும் சொற்பொருள் அமிர்தம்

For anything and everything that we seek, if there exists a dharmā in our scriptures, in the form of prescribed karma and by performing those karma, as Veda says, if we have a good chance of attaining the objectives, why bother about yet another goal called ‘mokShā ’? Fair enough!

But if you have to notice, Veda says by performing the prescribed karma, you have a good chance of attaining! Chance…., Not guarantees? Yes! That is a fact!

Since only efforts can give results, how can performing rituals prescribed in the Veda give results?
Two key points to note; first, since rituals are also efforts, those efforts must also lead to some effect! But can rituals replace the relevant action required for the task? Can someone simply perform the ritual and wait for the results? If I need to pass the exams, don’t I have to study? Where is the logic in this?

Let us ponder. Our starting position is that by actions, we REAP rewards. You may not completely agree, as sometimes your actions do not seem to give results. Sometimes you get things even without any effort. We have already agreed for this anomaly, with the concept of ’adhrista-phala’ or ‘unseen effect’ due to our previous actions. The cause of these ‘unseen effect’, if positive, is called as ’punyā ’, Otherwise, as ’dur-adhrista-phala’ or ‘papā ’. The accumulation of papā and punyā is the result of our non-adherence or adherence to ‘dharmā ’ respectively.

So, let us go back to our starting position. We REAP rewards. Take the word REAP to mean Real-Effort + Accumulated Punyā or Accumulated Papā . Therefore, we can conclude, when there is ‘right effort’ on our part, and with the mix of ‘accumulated punyā or papā ’, our achievements are decided.

But who is accounting for all the accumulated punyā and papā and timely distribution of those? We don’t keep the diary of our outstanding. So, we need someone to take that just responsibility.

You might have noticed, so far, we have not found a need to bring GOD into our discussion. Perhaps the time has come as a fitting vacancy exists!

(to be continued – Mee. Rajagopalan – 01/06/2017)

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(தொடரும் – மீ. ராஜகோபாலன், 01/06/2017)

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